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Austin ISD Norman-Sims Elementary School

K-12 | Austin

Austin ISD Norman-Sims Elementary School Joeris
  • Project Scope 74,000 SF Elementary School Modernization
  • Completion Date November 2020
  • Owner Austin ISD
  • Architect Kirksey Architecture

As part of Austin ISD’s 2017 Bond program, Joeris was selected to lead the construction of a single, modernized elementary school at the Norman campus. As advised by a community planning team, the AISD Board of Trustees approved a $25 million investment in Norman Elementary School, funding the campus’s complete modernization as one of 17 new or modernized campuses.

The modernized Norman-Sims Elementary – officially re-named by the Board of Trustees on May 18, 2020 – opened in Spring 2021 and includes flexible learning spaces, natural light, outdoor classrooms, and new media technology. A modernized school allows students to be active learners in 21st-century learning spaces as they collaborate, use technology and move within the classroom.

Students are co-located at Sims Elementary for the 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years during construction on the original Norman campus, forming the combined Norman & Sims Elementary Schools — the campus where Stars Shine and Tigers Roar Together!

Norman-Sims was under construction for two years — until Spring 2021. During 2019-2020, the Kirksey design team and Joeris construction experts planned the modernized school. Construction began in Fall 2019.

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