Builders portfolio

We Started Out With a Clear Goal:
To be the best contractor in Texas.

How We Work Matters To Us

A significant number of Joeris clients have designated us as their preferred builder. Many others continue to rely on us as advisors at all stages of development, whenever they launch new projects.

Explore our portfolio to get a glimpse of what our team would love to accomplish alongside your vision.

I have worked with the Joeris team recently on two successful projects. These projects have been great examples of collaborative team effort and the Joeris project teams have been an integral part of the success.

Patrick Glenn


Glenn & Partners Architecture

Joeris has done several jobs for us at Pearl, both large and small. Each of those jobs was finished on or under budget, and on or ahead of schedule. In short, we have found Joeris to be an excellent contractor. When we find a good contractor or consultant who does great work at a fair price and treats us honestly, we tend to be loyal and use them again and again. Joeris is one of those.

Bill Shown

Managing Director - Real Estate

Silver Ventures

If one were to choose specific adjectives to clearly represent the company, I would suggest ethical, responsible, and diligent. Not picking Joeris for any project would, in my opinion, be a mistake.

Randy Morgan

Bond Construction Manager

Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD